Cindy Kay Olson
Driving A Culture of Innovation
Leading a Values and Ethics Based High Performing Culture.
Cindy Olson has a unique background that very few executives have experienced and can assist your organization in building and or maintaining a Values and Ethics Based Culture. Through her 23 years of helping create and lead a Values Based Culture and living the destruction of that Culture, within a matter of months, she can help your organization avoid the kind of devastation that not only impacted 25,000 employees and their families but countless suppliers, customers and the community when $60 Billion of market cap disintegrated. She has vast experience in leading business organizations, risk management, accounting, auditing and change management. Both leading the creation of the culture for Enron, as the Global Executive VP of Human Resources, and experiencing the failure of the company, gives her a unparallel vantage of the warning signs and the priorities that have to exist to prevent the exposure and loss of market cap that any organization can experience. She has the expertise, experience and presence to work with the board of any size corporation and CEO to drive a Values Based Culture in any organization.
Creating a Truly Innovative Culture ….Beyond R & D.
Cindy Olson was one of the Top Executives at Enron and helped drive Enron’s Innovative Culture. In 2001 she was coaching Fortune 50 CEO’s across the country who had contacted Ken Lay asking how Enron had created their innovative culture. Of course these inquiries were the result of Enron being named as Fortune’s Most Innovative Company for 6 years running. The only other company to ever achieve that long of run is Apple. Using the same model that she developed and used to coach these CEO’s in 2001, with the added value of understanding the elements in the Culture that contributed to Enron’s failure, she can bring to any board or CEO the things that have to exist for an organization to have a truly innovative culture. Don’t just settle for one department to do all of your innovative thinking……harness your entire organization to create new and better ways to serve your customers that will fundamentally change the landscape of your business.
Addressing the People Side of Risk Management and Information Security….. Beyond Procedure Manuals and Training.
Cindy Olson has a unique set of skills and experiences that you will not find anywhere else. She was used as a Change Agent and Re engineering expert across multiple business and support organizations at Enron for 23 years. Cindy was fortunate to have been in charge of Enron Capital and Trade’s back office function which included Risk Management. She also led the creation of the company’s culture as the Executive VP of Global Human Resources. Finally, after living through the devastation of the Enron bankruptcy, she researched many internal records including 10 years of employee survey results to develop an understanding of what actually caused the company to fail and the importance of creating and maintaining a Risk Aware Culture for an organization. She is a strong believer that Procedure Manuals and Training, while important, only allow a company to check the box. A Risk Aware Culture has to truly exist to insure that a security breach, an explosion, or any major event affecting a company’s reputation and ultimately it’s Market Cap can be avoided. Cindy Olson has the experience and presence to help any board or CEO of any sized organization to dig deeper into the “People” side of the Enterprise Risk Management equation.

Creating a Revolutionary HR Organization that Drives Business Performance
One of Cindy Olson’s roles at Enron was her position as Executive Vice President of Global Human Resources for the Fortune 7 Company. Cindy’s background does not include formal Human Resources training however, she led the Enron HR organization to re engineer the function in a way that resulted in the organization marketing their capabilities on a white label to other large Fortune 100 companies through a joint venture with Accenture. She has the experience, both in the business and Human Resource functions that is truly unique and can guide any Human Resource organization to create the value that the business will not only appreciate but covet! Human Resources is the life blood of any successful organization and should be at the table with other business leaders, however not until Human Resource leaders understand what it takes to achieve that kind of respect will the H R organization and even the entire company realize its true potential. Given Cindy’s unique experience in both the successful rise of Enron, its abrupt fall and the research she did post Enron she can guide the board, CEO or Human Resource leader of any size organization to harness the most value possible through a high performing Human Resource organization.